
In Which Seymour Hersh Comes Off as a Paranoid Nut

Reality Based Steve5/13/2015 8:29:12 pm PDT

Majority of Ted Cruz, Rick Perry and Tea Party members believe that the federal gov. is planning on invading and taking over Texas.

They have the breakouts / crosstabs at RWW

A new survey from Public Policy Polling finds [PDF] that one-third of Republicans believe the Jade Helm 15 conspiracy theory that “the government is trying to take over Texas,” and another 28 percent of GOP voters haven’t made up their minds yet about the matter.

The right-wing frenzy over an upcoming military exercise called Jade Helm 15 has swept up the Republican governor of Texas and several other GOP leaders who wonder if the drill is part of a plan by President Obama to seize Texas, impose martial law, confiscate firearms and throw conservatives into closed Walmart stores that have been converted into FEMA camps.

Among Republicans, PPP found that supporters of former Texas Gov. Rick Perry and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz were most likely to believe the conspiracy theory.

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