
Zombie Trailers Deluxe: Season 6 of "The Walking Dead" and the 1st Full Length Trailer for "Fear the Walking Dead"

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))7/11/2015 3:26:40 am PDT

Interesting attempt at Trump damage control from the national review

“…The base of the party is angry. They’re angry about Obama’s lawless chicanery on immigration. They’re angry about the GOP’s patented inability to cross the street without stepping on its own d*ck and then having to apologize for it. They’re angry that the Left’s culture warriors are behaving like an invading army that shoots the survivors even after they’ve surrendered…”

These are people who see compromise as weakness, they do not retreat, they reload. It took a mass murder in a church to finally get them to back off from they hollow, cynical assertion that that Confederate Flag over the state capitol was simply an expression of “southern heritage”