
Video: Trevor Noah's Deep Dive Into the Weird World of Madison Cawthorn: "Faker, Creeper, Lawmaker"

Belafon4/02/2022 6:32:54 am PDT

re: #68 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce

Anyone bought a cheap-ish laptop recently? I’m kind of in the market for one and I’ve been out of the repair business long enough that I don’t know what inherently sucks these days. Online reviews are a little hard to assess right now because it seems that a lot of people are reviewing their experience with Windows 11 rather than the hardware, and apparently Windows 11 sucks. I don’t care about that as I’ll be running Linux with Win10 in a virtual machine as needed. My only absolute must-haves are 1080p native resolution and an Ethernet port.

1. Every version of Windows seems to be worse than every version of windows prior, but everyone seems to love their current version. Which means most of them don’t know crap. Windows 11 on the front, is some minor changes to 10. If you don’t like where the app tabs are in the task bar, you can change that.
2. I still personally hate HPs because they add a bunch of their own software (I also hate their desktops because they use nonstandard components). For the most part, there’s not a lot of difference between laptops at the low end because they’re all actually made by the same company.