
Bad Craziness Watch: The Mainstreaming of Alex Jones

Noam Chumpski4/27/2009 8:47:58 am PDT

I’ve done such a good job of staying away from Jones that I know very little about him and his conspiracy theatrics.

The interesting thing, however, is that the first two paragraphs of this article seem to infer that Jones is moving away from the fringe in order to become more mainstream.

If that’s true - if he’s moving away from the fringe (even if it’s just for ratings and $) - then that’s a win. I’d rather have him moderate himself and be a reasonable part of the group, than have him going nuts and hanging out on the fringe masquerading as a “Republican” and giving everyone a bad name.

Of course, I don’t have cable so I have no way of knowing what he’s yakking about on the Beck show versus what he was doing a year ago, so… he could still be just as nuts and everything I’ve written is just a fantasy.