
The Gitmo Myth and the Torture Canard

Killgore Trout5/21/2009 2:03:09 pm PDT

OT: More ugliness from a BNP activist….
BNP mum Helen Forster led kids’ race attack

Meet the female face of the BNP - the sneering single mum who led a mob of kids to throw eggs and fire an airgun at an Asian neighbour.

Graphic designer Helen Forster, a paid-up member who produces leaflets for the far right group, was yesterday spared jail after being convicted of intimidation.

She was the lone adult urging the hate-filled kids - some only 10 - to shout abuse during the siege at the home of terrified Meherjan Miah, who had previously lodged a complaint to police about a racially-aggravated assault.