
Dublin Archbishop: Church Leaders Are 'In Denial'

Mostly sane, most of the time.5/25/2009 9:35:11 pm PDT

re: #80

No screening process will be 100% accurate, true.
But a better job can be done, and I believe most of the seminaries here in the US have begun a stricter process for acceptance.

There’s more you can do than screen. BSA (Boy Scouts) which includes Cub Scouts has a “two-deep” policy that a leader cannot ever be alone with the scouts. (After screening.) Two adult leaders at all times. (This doesn’t extend to silliness, of course, it doesn’t apply to your own children.)

I got a call the other day from a Mom wondering if I could pick up her child. I could, but only because my other kids were in the car. This is an old friend, and if I weren’t wearing my cub uniform and acting as cub leader, it would have been different, but while in uniform, I really shouldn’t be alone with him.

For Boy Scouts, which includes camping, the rules extend to things like: No changing clothes around the leaders, no going around half-dressed at camp, etc.