
Illinois Man Arrested in Alleged Bomb Plot

Walter L. Newton9/25/2009 10:52:46 am PDT

re: #81 SixDegrees

There have been rumors that the NY police bodged part of the invetigation and triggered Federal intervention earlier than planned. Not sure if this is true.

At any rate, the wrap up may also be due to the proximity of these dates, if authorities started getting nervous about their approach and had hints that a plan was coming together.

Sounds like these groups are heavily infiltrated, too, which is a good thing and the only really effective way to deal with them over the long run.

I was in NYC last week when this came down. From what I was hearing on TV and other reports, nothing was “bodged.” What happened was they were so worried about something coming down really soon, that they arrested 7 men in Queens, even though they knew they couldn’t hold them.

It was more of a signal to the whole cell that the “jig” was up. As far as I know, the seven were released in 24 hours.

That’s what the story was in NYC when I was there.