
Overnight Ocean Thread

SixDegrees11/01/2009 4:37:02 am PST

re: #87 ausador

oh,oh, it seems the like the loonier leftists are trying to sneak faith healing payments into health care reform. The Center for Inquiry is campaigning to get a “non-discrimination” provision taken out of the health care reform bills working their way through Congress. Why? Because they claim:

When you look up an explanation of Sec. 213(d) of the IRS code…


…you find it covers Medical Savings Accounts and what kinds of medical expenses can be deducted if paid for out of such an account. It explicitly includes Christian Science Practitioners and “healing services.” However scientology is currently non-deductible.

So if this provision stays in we will be paying for at least the Christian Scientist ‘Practitioners’ to pray over people and very possibly (inevitably I think if they allow any) other forms of ‘faith healing’ as well. Check out the Center for Inquiry site for more info or to add your voice to the email campaign.


Not at all surprising. This is what happens when you make medical care a political decision rather than a medical decision. The same thing is common throughout Europe, with countless “alternative” treatments merrily provided at taxpayer expense.

And politicians are only too happy to go along with such demands. On the one hand, it allows them to curry favor with special interest groups. And on the other, it reduces the strain on an unworkable system by providing worthless “care” and getting people off the system by dying.

Pretty soon, we’ll all be paying for Cherokee Hair Tampons.