
The Incredibly Dumb Nontroversy That Stopped Living And Got Even Dumber

iceweasel11/27/2009 7:05:41 pm PST

re: #76 Racer X

If the left would treat AGW seriously then I think more people would take it seriously.

Carbon offset credits? Clunkers? Cap and Trade?

Really? Those are your solutions?

Not everything is the fault of ‘the left’.
In this case, the major stumbling block has to do with big corporations and industries that are heavily invested in being anti-AGW— and being in thrall to special interests and to corporations isn’t exclusive to the right or the left.
Add to that the demonstrated anti-science bias already prevalent on the right, and there’s a fertile ground for planting anti-AGW seeds already among the electorate.
Finally, you can’t possibly claim that it’s the left that fails to take AGW seriously, when it is the right that offers no solutions of its own on this—only criticisms of everything proposed, when not denying AGW outright.