
Palin Twitters: The Return of 'Death Panels'

Summer Seale12/22/2009 4:13:57 pm PST

Wouldn’t you know it! I step away for a bit and here is another thread all about me all over again!

Anyway, I bet you all missed me, right? Heck, I betcha did! I miss me when I’m gone too and I’m so popular with my book and all.

Anyway, I was thinking about these death panels and Obama Care and you know what, folks? Why are there so many sick people in America?

You know, the fact is, it’s not Obama Care that will help, it’s prayer. Now, I know we have a lot of “non believers” in the audience here today, but God loves you too. And you know, praying to the right God can do miracles! Just ask me! It’s true! You betcha!

Now, it’s very important that you pick the right God because most people don’t and end up in Hell, and you don’t wanna go there, right? That’s not where you wanna end up.

So, I’m going to just put out a little announcement here…lemme find the card…hang on….ok there it is! Now…the announcement is this: you might wanna considering praying to the God I pray to. The Christian God. But not just any Christian God - mine. I’m endorsing the one I pray to because He can do anything, including healing the sick.

Now, I know a lot of other liberal “Christians” will be telling you that their God is the right one, but it’s not true. If their God believes in “gay rights” or “changing the climate yourselves”, or that you fell off a tree a few thousand years ago and were a monkey before that, well, he’s not really God!

So make sure you pick the right one before you start praying!

So, back to Obama Terrorist Care: you know, how about we spend more money building churches in America? Instead of spending more money on hospitals, we could heal the sick with lots and lots of prayer! Then we could lower taxes and really save the world like God intends us to do!

You see, if only you had elected me President, you wouldn’t be spending all this money when prayer could do the job! Then you would have those Evil Death Panels and you wouldn’t have to pay for them!

So anyway, that’s my idea and I hope you approve because it’s the right idea, isn’t it? Isn’t it?

You betcha it is!