
Weblog Awards Canceled Due to Something or Other

DaddyG1/05/2010 1:09:16 pm PST

re: #86 Obdicut

Given that the local control thing is what enables Texas to keep trying to push creationism, I’m not sure I understand your point. Could you clarify?

State is not local. The state should have the power to regulate basic curricula standards but not force creationism (definately out of bounds for a statewide curricula choice IMO) or any other specific subject on local schools.

The history of public education in the US had towns and counties supporting common schools. Because of abuses like segregation the states had to step in (a good solution to a bad situation). What we a reaping now is less community control and more wrestling over who gets to control the dialogue at a higher level. I don’t think that is necessarily healthy. For example there was a Hebrew school in NY that lost federal funding for their special ed programs because they taught a religious curricula but they were the only game in town that supported the disabled students from their community.