
Virginia Governor McDonnell and the Neo-Confederates

Joo-LiZ4/07/2010 10:45:49 am PDT

re: #83 bloodstar

I think we’re implying that … at best, McDonnell views his Neo-Confederate loving white constituents over any hostility and humiliation he might be inflicing on his black constituents. That implies at best, a callous political calculation, a tone deafness for the crap the Blacks have gone through in America…

either that or yes, he’s a bit of a racist asshole.

If you’d like, it’d be like seeing Local governments celebrating the German war against Soviet aggression and the sacrifices of the brave German soldier to continue to have the right to continue to run their country as they saw fit.

Yeah, as a Canadian I’m quite out of touch with the sensitivities involved in the Civil War.