
Levi Johnston Apologizes to Palin Family

Nimed7/07/2010 11:51:57 am PDT

re: #85

I have no clue how courts establish child support payments, or what they do if a person is unemployed

I assume an unemployed person gets unemployment payments, and would be required to make some sort of child support payment from that? At any rate, if a person’s circumstances change, then support payments could change also, if the person petitioned the court.

I’m a bit taken aback here by what seems to be some folks’ idea that since the Palin family, and Bristol, might have more money than Levi, he should be excused from having to participate in the support of his child. That’s ridiculous.

Speaking for myself, I didn’t mean to imply such a thing — I was just curious about how much the present income of the father/mother is a factor (or whether it’s a factor at all). Can’t speak for Fozzie, but I assumed he was making a joke.