
'Ground Zero Mosque' Imam Promoted America for the Bush Administration

Winny Spencer8/12/2010 11:50:04 am PDT

OT, but on the topic of bigotry:

I think I need to get some air. I just read that the detestable, despicable “Shrieking Harpy” openly defends the totalitarian socialist Milosevic-regime and denies the genocide of Bosnian Muslims at Srebrenica.

An interesting position to take for someone who supposedly deplores socialism and “loves Muslims”. A ruthless and exuberant Stalinist (truly and not of the far right’s imagined Obama-variety) dictatorship slaughtered innocent Muslims in what was, and still is, a modern and secular society where true separation between mosque and state existed. And she sides with the murderers. She is not “anti-jihad” or even anti-Islam, she just hates muslims, no matter how secular, no matter how moderate.

It’s on her site in a post from yesterday. A long diatribe about the evils of the UN, the NATO-intervention and, of course, Bosnian Muslims.