
Wired Journalists Say Chat Transcripts Contain 'Nothing Newsworthy'

Usually refered to as anyways12/30/2010 4:17:46 pm PST

re: #87 Aceofwhat?

uhh…the part where he claims that they’re withholding something ‘newsworthy in the extreme’? unless he can make things up, hyperventilate, and not come off looking bad in your eyes.

me, i tend to file that under ‘looking bad’. but that’s just me.

If wired did support Lamo’s version of the story, then they had not shown any evidence of the validity of the claim regarding the dedicated server.

If they didn’t support it they gave voice to it without evidence.

The fact that they had not questioned Lamo’s statement might suggest that they ‘knew/beleived it was true’.

Therefore the assumption is, if you believe it, then its because you are seeing something you have not released.
Greenwald called them on that because what they had released didn’t show it.

If they did have the evidence then that would have been newsworthy.