
Opponents of 'Stand Your Ground' Predicted Racially Motivated Killings

A Mom Anon3/22/2012 3:58:44 am PDT

Since it’s quiet…

OK,so aren’t there already laws on the books that allow for self defense? Beyond the Castle Law(your home is your castle,people coming in uninvited can be considered to have bad intent that allows you to defend yourself),doesn’t the law pretty much allow each circumstance to be considered and mercy of the courts shown? Like if a woman kills her rapist as an example.

If so,then what in the fresh hell is the need for this Stand Your Ground horseshit? Is this more NRA handiwork? And if it is,when is the NRA going to be held accountable for all the havoc they cause? I am not anti-gun in the least. I am however anti-fear mongering lobbyist. I’m also for some decent rules and regs regarding the ownership of guns. And no,not everyone should have a freaking gun. Education,training and proper licencing would be awesome,just like you have to have to operate a car or heavy machines. That infringes on no one. Is the NRA going to show up in Sanford FL like they did right after Columbine? SYG is now the law in 17 states,FL was just the first,I just wonder how often what happened to Trayvon has happened in all those states and it’s been covered up.