
Politico Adopts Breitbart's Ridiculous 'Vetting' Frame

96 12:58:43 pm PDT

Well, I’m one of those conservatives who don’t listen to Rush (or Hannity, or Haley Barbour, and I absolutely loathe Bobby Jindal) who found the NYT piece on Ann Romney’s horseback riding to be heavily laced with true but scary words (rarefied, wealthy, deep pockets, private haven, expensive esoteric breeds, seven-figure cost, trainer involved in a lawsuit) that were supposed to point out - what? The Romneys are wealthier than most of us? Was that a secret?

But I don’t get this “vetting” business either. IIRC, candidate Obama was heavily “vetted” right here at LGF, throughout the election period. Was nobody paying any attention?