
Video: The Amazing Morphing Campaign Money Map

jaunte11/04/2012 4:17:59 pm PST

“You know,” Barbara told her friends, “if that Obamacare isn’t repealed, we’re going to lose all our doctors. There just waiting to see if it stays and, if it does, they’ll leave. They’ll leave the country.” Somebody else mentioned the president’s plan to arrest doctors who refuse to be part of his health-care plan. “That sounds like a dictatorship,” someone said.

“Well, it is a dictatorship,” someone else responded, as the elderly ladies across the room pursed their lips and tried not to notice. “He’s a Socialist, that’s what he is.”

“He doesn’t even go to church,” Barbara said. “My daughter, she talked at a college up north, and she told me that they’ve all had all this stuff just force-fed to them. She said that they all believe in evolution, that we all descended from monkeys. All the teachers and professors are Communists.”