
Enough with the Nakedness

Fenway_Nation6/27/2009 11:01:21 pm PDT

The closest thing the rail industry has to Priuses and hybrids are ultra-fuel efficient locomotives called Gensets or Green Goats.

I think all but one or two of the Class I carriers in the USA and Canada roster them, as well as numerous switching or terminal railways. At first I thought maybe the railways were being alturistic or at least publicity savvy…..

It turns out these Genset locomotives are subsidized by local, state and federal govenrments to the tune of 80% of the purchase price. Apparently this was policy well before the cap & trade vote…..

This begs the question- would BNSF, Pacific Harbor Lines, Union Pacific, CSX, Canadian Pacific, New Orleans Public Belt et al be willing to continue purchasing the gensets if they subsidies were withdrawn?