
Now Can We Call Them 'Teabaggers?'

Slap5/06/2010 9:56:57 am PDT

re: #938

Sp far, none of the local news outlets have had much film. What VERY little I’ve seen seems to support SFV’s assessment of the situation as a response to a potential problem. As I was leaving for work, one of the “offending” kids — who was quoted in the story — was speaking as though mom and dad have been feeding him a steady unbalanced diet of martyr cookies. I had the distinct impression — based on nothing but my “i’m-on-my-way-out-the-door” corner of my mind’s eye glimpse — that their choice to wear the gear on that day (I’ve seen nothing yet to claim they wear these things every day) was intended to provoke.

Not saying it was handled right, by any means — I’ve no way to know exactly what occurred. But I get a whiff of something vaguely unpleasant underneath the surface here.