
Overnight Open Thread

Walter L. Newton2/16/2009 7:47:19 am PST

Pay close attention to what your state governments are doing. Most of the states are getting big money, yet many states are still working on bills to up the money YOU pay to them.

Colorado is getting about 1 billion dollars, a lot of that will be used for road and transportation projects.

But, right now our state government is working on passing a bill that will DOUBLE our yearly vehicle registrations.

For me, with a 10 year old car, that would be about 60 dollars.

So, when you look at what the federal government has done to us and what the states are doing, we are getting a double dose of new taxes and all this has to be paid back.

Obama’s little robots heads are going to explode when they finally understand how screwed they really are.

For the rest of us, we’re screwed already.