
LGF on Glenn Beck

Scion94/16/2009 11:21:32 pm PDT

re: #958 Charles

At the most, what you can say is that she was was making fun of those people

That is pretty much what I said in my post; “not ideologically driven”, “for the lulz”. I qualified my ‘plant’ terminology. She wasn’t literally ‘planted’ there by anyone, but she also wasn’t actually a member of the protest. The term is close enough to accuracy.

but the crowd applauded when she yelled “burn the books,” and the guy who talked to her agreed with her.

Well, I also acknowledged that in my post as well.

This is such pointless nonsense. It’s an attempt to get people to focus on a side issue and ignore the other problems.

If I sent you a video of me doing this exact same thing, and admitted upfront that I was there mobying, and set up a fake identity on youtube or on a blog pretending to be a wingnut I’m pretty damned sure you would not indulge me.

Even if you posted my video because it exposed Birchers et al at a mainstream protest agreeing with me, because the information is valuable to people wanting to be involved in politics, I find it likely that that I’d get called out for being a moby, regardless of rather I was ideologically motivated or was doing it for kicks.

That this girl was out there getting a laugh out of these people by yelling “Burn the books”, and then putting up a fake YouTube channel professing her love of Glen Beck and God is certainly a very useful talking point for anyone that does wish to misdirect from the broader issue of the DTV brainwashing guy, and the “Chuck Baldwin is a great man” protester, as well as the applause and the agreement with her comment.

Not paying attention to the distinction (or even projecting the appearance of not paying attention to or caring about the distinction because it is pointless nonsense), in my opinion, also isn’t going to be helpful in providing information on the broader issue either. I’m not fundamentally in disagreement with you, on the idea that political activist kooks are a much bigger problem than unemployed teenage Goons (which really should be obvious), at all.

You of course, are free to disagree and apparently do.