
Tea Party Reports Open Thread

acwgusa4/15/2009 3:46:26 pm PDT

re: #934 astronmr20

What the hell do you mean “let?”

Those assholes are present at the republican primaries too, remember? How do you propose we “not let” them show up to a rally or glom on to events or movements?

re: #940 Eowyn2

“We on the right need to define ourselves not in extreme right of social conservatism, (i.e. opposing gay marriage, abortion, fundamentalist beliefs to an extreme degree)”

Please define Extreme.
I oppose gay marriage.
I oppose abortion (especially third term abortion)
I believe in God and the Bible.

Any of those three are considered ‘extreme’ in some circles.
I do not hate Gays (have gay friends and relatives)
I do not hate a woman who is scared and stuck who may have an abortion but I despise a woman who uses abortion as a form of birth control
I will not defend my right to believe in God and the commandments He has given us.

Mainly, I was thinking of Huckabee strains of extremity, replacing the Constitution with a theocracy.