
Utah Governor Huntsman to GOP: 'You Can't Just Say No'

Aye Pod4/29/2009 3:33:13 pm PDT

re: #874 MacGregor

Good point. And it will probably change again and we’ll go extinct like everything else. We can’t capture a moment in chaos and make it last forever. That’s not natural. Our only hope is to evolve with a constantly changing climate. The CO2 would rise if we were here or not.

I actually think that with our ability to see what’s coming and prepare it would take something really sudden and really devastating to make man extinct.

I partly agree with the second part your statement, but the problem is that AGW may mean more rapid changes than normal, meaning a more injurious (for us) process of adaptation. We could be creating problems for ourselves that could have been avoided or at any rate reduced. I think we really need to work at getting off our reliance on fossil fuels. I wonder how long it would take to make fusion power a reality if it were pursued with the same urgency as the Manhattan project? And think of the side benefits for the economy, and of not having to smile through gritted teeth at the Saudis anymore?