
Breaking: House Passes Health Care Bill

exelwood11/08/2009 10:50:53 am PST

re: #966 SilentAlfa

I know, buddy. I’m totally an amoral communist elitist hipster left-winger because I want to save my money by giving a minimum of preventative care to the impoverished so that they won’t have to waste my money by going to the emergency room for basic health services.

Do you genuinely believe this bill has anything to do with health care? This bill is about money and power for government just like cap and trade. If they were serious about improving actual health care they could have put in any number of pilot programs for any number of solutions to see what might deliver quality health care at an affordable price but that has never been the intent of the Democrats.

This massive takeover of our health system is all about putting government so far up your backside you can never get them out. Too many cheezeburgers?? No bypass for you!! Affirmative action in medicine, sure, why not.

In homogeneous societies (Sweden, Japan, etc) socialist programs have a better chance than in a balkanized society like America. We have “communities” who simply can’t wait to stick it to other “communities” they see as the enemy.

This health care bill creates opportunity for mischief and mischief will be done. But take heart, when it fails it won’t be liberals fault, it never is.