
Mike Huckabee Labels Lara Logan a 'Hero Journalist' for Discredited Benghazi Report

kirkspencer11/27/2013 12:45:55 pm PST

re: #72 dr. klys

Extra bonus: when you write down reminders for doing the important things.

Like remembering to move the turkey from the freezer to the fridge. (They’re cutlets, I’m still in time.)

Thank you, me of yesterday, for having the forethought to write down a reminder. Because otherwise I would have totally forgot.

Because suddenly we’re having nobody but the three of us, I’m changing things up a lot. I’m braising the turkey now, and when it’s done I’ll slice it all up and pack it away - some to the refrigerator, some to the freezer. Things that’ll go bad are going to be cooked, or par-cooked, and/or frozen. Things that’ll keep for meals over the next few weeks are staying in storage.

Braising the turkey because while I truly like crisp skin, skin does not stay crisp through storage, and other than skin braising produces it’s own sort of wonderful cooked meat.