
NPR: Snowden May Have Stolen 1.7 Million NSA Documents

Lidane12/17/2013 8:03:02 pm PST

re: #95 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce

I admit I couldn’t stomach his entire “open letter” to Brazil, but after the first two paragraphs I’m pretty well convinced that he genuinely believes he is the single most important person in the world.

Of course he’s the most important person in the world. He’s got dudebros all over the internet like Sirota who are blowing smoke up his ass and calling him a hero and a whistleblower.

People are calling for him to get the Presidential Medal of Freedom (yes, really!) and for him to be allowed to travel freely wherever he wants and also earn a living doing whatever he wants for whatever paycheck he wants. You know, because that’s what the American government does when someone steals almost 2 million classified documents and flees the country.

I actually had Sirota tweet at me that it was understandable that Snowden would flee from a government that brags about TEH DRONEZ and imprisons its own citizens. Which totally explains why Snowden ran to Russia. Or something. Because that’s what important whistleblowers do.