
National Review Writer Upset Because Donald Trump Isn't Saying the Magic Words

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus9/10/2015 9:01:14 pm PDT

NRO seems to be digesting itself in its own intestinal secretions, as we see from the comments in this article of their today:

Trump’s White-Nationalist Fans Discredit His Candidacy

A sample comment:

david • an hour ago
this is the lowest of the low. i did think nro wouldnt go here. any issue or movement on the right is certain to be tarred and discredited along these lines from the left, and now it’s the cowards and jerks at nro, and yes tuttle, you are a jerk, throwing this at trump and his supporters. what you have just said toward trump and his supporters is lower and fouler than everything donald trump has said in his lifetime. you are despicable and this publication, national review online, has disgraced itself in a way that cannot be fixed. most of us visit this site these days almost exclusively to read andy mccarthy. he’s the only intelligent person left on the staff. you drove steyn and derbyshire off and the rest of the clowns are one trick ponies. useless chamber of commerce, have a drink at the club in the khakis twits. look at YOUR faces nro, why would anyone ever read this trash again. im gone.