
Saturday Acoustic Excellence: Tommy Emmanuel, "One Day"

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam10/25/2015 6:09:54 am PDT

UpChuck has weighed in on the Baby Hitler question, and says he would adopt him and raise him to be more PC (though Chuck does not use that term, of course).

I think he’s trying to be witty.

I’d raise him to embrace his oratorical gifts. I’d counsel him not to invade Russia or kill Jews. The smarter strategy would be to red pill the Jews and get them to turn against the communists or the imperialists. (Read your Menicus Moldbug on this, kids.)

There’s probably no Holocaust without Hitler but there’s probably also no state of Israel which would be a bummer.

There’s no American nuclear bomb and let’s face it that has kept us all safe.