
Video: Saturday Night Live's Vladimir Putin Cold Open

Dr Lizardo1/23/2017 6:12:45 am PST

re: #92 Timothy Watson

Same here, where did they young assholes get the idea that the Nazis were the good guys? Hell, I watched Schlinder’s List in high school.

Is it just because they’re white and that means they must be special and superior to everyone else?

It’s because they need to feel special and superior to everyone else.

We Americans have “American Exceptionalism”; the Germans have their “Sonderweg”. Everyone likes to think their special when all is said and done - it’s the most common delusion humans have.

What’s the alternative? Lovecraft’s bleak cosmology? That there’s nothing or no one out there that would even miss us? That one day, several billion years from now, when the Sun goes red giant and turns our fair planet into a charcoal briquette, no one will mourn our passing - mostly because no one even cares that we ever existed. Of course, by then, I’m betting Homo sapiens sapiens (all of us) will be long extinct and all our monuments will have crumbled to dust and returned to the earth from which it came.

It is, to me at least, the ultimate fate of all mankind. Extinction. And when is all said and done, that fate cannot be stayed, perhaps only delayed a bit.

Not exactly the most cheerful or optimistic message, is it? And pretty much no one outside of absolute materialists wanna hear it.