
Political Comedians Continue Outdoing the Media in the "Unvarnished Truth" Department: Samantha Bee on Roy Moore's Humiliating Defeat

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)12/14/2017 7:58:22 pm PST

The thing that right wing hacks not talking about politicians like Cruz and Pai don’t want to tell you is this, we’ve always had some form of NN. Obama didn’t create NN out of thin air. He merely strengthened the bipartisan consensus on internet access that has gone on since the early 90’s when most Americans connected to the web for the first time. As I said, gonna be funny as hell when these conservative shit talkers see that an ISP is slowing down their access to their blogs and Twitters because they don’t like their views. So to Shapiro, Jones, Cernovich, and all those guys, don’t cry to the liberals when your service sucks because the ISP charges you extra because you suck and you get less readers of your inane crap.