
Seth Meyers Attic Sessions: Trump Repeats Coronavirus Failures in Reckless Rush to "Reopen" Economy

Jay C4/16/2020 12:13:14 pm PDT

re: #80 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Two more points down. If he keeps talking (or rather ranting daily), he’ll be down to 10% in November. And that’s of he doesn’t kill a bunch of cons and their kids.

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Well, so much for the “rally ‘round the flag” effect: though with Trump, it really was never a matter of “if” he’d blow his approval rating, but “when” (though this, unsurprisingly, is soon even for The Donald).

But I’m guessing that his overall “Approval” rating is really unlikely to ever fall much below 40% in any case: there are still an enormous number of our fellow-citizens out there who are, hopelessly, toxically infected (with simpleminded RW ideology, not Coronavirus*), and for whom the manifest revelations of Trump’s and Republicans’ incompetence and venality is only going to make them MORE likely to vote Trump/(R): if only because the alternative is unpalatable: since they have had it drummed into their psyches for decades that “Democrat” is just a shorthand term for “Socialistical Satanist/atheist baby-killer flag-burner America-hater”. And so there.

*The big difference being that Coronavirus is a lot easier to recover from….