
Colbert Notes That Rep. Mo Brooks Wore Body Armor at 'Stop the Steal' Rally

Citizen K10/27/2021 10:01:29 pm PDT

re: #96 Targetpractice

Speaking as a Virginian (well, Washingtonian transplant), I can say with pretty fair confidence that if the state goes red next week it will be because the VA GQP went back to their old playbook of running the least offensive candidate they could find and had him lie his ass off about everything. The last two Repubs who ran for the governorship were (respectively) insane and an unabashed MAGAt. Youngkin has done his level best to get back to what the party is best at doing here in VA: Scaring the white folks with made up culture war BS.

Lets not discount the role of the media here either. They’ve done their part laundering every single GOP lie and panic possible, while letting the GOP define Dem platforms and policies to exclusion. It’s easy for them to win the culture wars when the media privileges their voice above all and treats only their base as the only true voice of America ever.