
The Dishonest Reporting Awards

DisturbedEma2/12/2009 12:11:51 pm PST

re: #83 jcw46

I always thought that Maureen Dowd had such a “hard on” about
Bush was because she was p!ssed that she missed her chance at giving a President’s (Slick Willy) willie a Monica. (god I miss the clintons. never thought i’d say that but the current occupier of the office is a wretched chimera who’s lack of depth and ability, I fear, will destroy us.)

TO ALL REPUBLICANS; SEE, SEE WHAT COOPERATION WITH DEMOCRATS GETS YOU. Hair plugs was in PA talking about how “stimulus can’t wait for GOP support”

On Hula I saw it with my own eyes… Jon Stewart…really…making fun of the dear leader

Loved it for what it was