
Bobby Jindal's Volcano Monitoring Slam Backfires

Maui Girl3/24/2009 10:42:54 am PDT

Sorry, should have put a big OT at the start of my post.

I live where there are volcanoes, hurricanes, flooding, AND tsunamis and yes, it’s important. But not “immediate” kine important. I was just venting because this is such big news today and I was just watching it on TV and I got all excited and…. Boy, if I can’t come here to speak my mind without being castrated, gee whiz. I guess if I don’t “stick” to the subject, I should go elsewhere except this is the ONLY blog that I visit and when so inclined, comment on.

I think Jindal was just trying to make a point regarding the pork in the bill and he used a bad example. He doesn’t have to deal with volanic activity in his state so he doesn’t understand the importance of monitoring in this case.
Personally, he’s too narrowminded in certain subject areas and I wouldn’t vote for him.

Thank you for your responses. I have effectively been muzzled.