
Just One More Rush Limbaugh Racist Remark

Vicious Babushka3/10/2010 8:35:50 pm PST

re: #92 Kruk

Slightly off topic, but the wife made me sit down and watch “The Proposal” the other week. One of (many) grating moments in the film was when the “heroine” exclaims “It’s not like I’m an immigrant. I’m…Canadian!” The way it was delievered was obviously a set up for a laugh, but I couldn’t hear it over the grinding of my teeth. That’s one of at least three moments in the film that absolutely reeks of white privilege. It’s the same privilege that evey other numbnut who is “brave” or “witty” enough to be “politically incorrect” depends on to excuse their bigotry.

That was also the premise in the movie “Knocked Up” in which the girl has a one night stand with an unemployed, drunk illegal alien. But the illegal alien part is supposed to be funny because he’s Canadian.