
Video: A Volcano Erupts in Iceland

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus4/21/2010 7:28:54 pm PDT

The meme that Sen. Graham is a closeted homosexual appears to be gathering some fans in the wingnutter universe. Example from today:

Is Lindsay Graham compromised?

South Carolina Senator Lindsay Graham is perhaps the most irritating personification of the RINO label in the U.S. Senate. Despite the overwhelming evidence against manmade global warming and the irrefutable damage Cap and Trade legislation will do to our tottering economy, Graham has teamed with leftist Senator John Kerry to resurrect that legislation we all thought was going nowhere.


At a Saturday, April 17th Tea Party rally in Greenville, SC, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) President William Gheen demanded that Graham publicly admit what “many people in South Carolina and Washington, DC know.” As Gheen explained:

I personally do not care about Graham’s private life, but in this situation his desire to keep this a secret may explain why he is doing a lot of political dirty work for others who have the power to reveal his secrets. Senator Graham needs to come out of the closet inside that log cabin so the public can rest assured he is not being manipulated with his secret.

If that is Graham’s motive, it would certainly explain a lot. It would also provide justification for demanding his removal. Gheen is right that Graham’s private life is no one’s business, but if Graham has bought silence about it by agreeing to back these odious, nation-wrecking initiatives, he has betrayed his country, his Party, and utterly destroyed his own credibility.

That’s right, the only reason Graham works on things like climate change and immigration is because he is a compromised closeted gay man!

This is just an example of where Tea Partying is going. It is ugliness, and sickness upon our civil society.