
Eric Cantor Joins the Bigot Brigade

Orange Impostor8/12/2010 10:42:51 am PDT

Dammit, dammit, dammit. Bigots are going to go nuts over this one.
The “serial stabber” who has gotten notoriety during the past several days has been identified.

Michigan resident Elias Abuelazam was identified today as the suspect in a series 20 vicious stabbings that included five deaths in three states, federal officials told ABC News.
Suspect is reportedly apprehended trying to leave the U.S.

Abuelazam, 33, was apprehended Wednesday night at Atlanta Hartsfield International Airport as he was about to board a plane for Israel, officials said. He was tracked to the airport after investigators dashed to track down a new lead that originated in Michigan.

CNN is reporting that Abuelazam is an Israeli citizen who is in the United States on an expired visa.