
Assange Arrest Imminent

lostlakehiker12/02/2010 7:25:01 pm PST

re: #62 Linden Arden

Assange is an Open Society guy - for better or worse.


For better or worse - an individual must decide if all information should be available to all… Now I, (like Soros) favor Open Society.

This is the crux that conservatives HATE — All info in an Open Society is subject to scientific introspection! Thus religion is too.

Think about a world of full and open info for all…

Think about a world in which no one ever speaks frankly, even in private. All conversations are elliptical, with the real meaning conveyed with lifted eyebrow, significant silences, and discussions that are not what they appear to be about.

Would we want everything we post here to be attached to our real name? Evidently not, for most of us. I’m not ashamed of my record here, but there have been a couple of ill-judged posts. And then there are the ones I stand behind, that would earn me ill will in some circles. Some of them thick with green updings here.

By our conduct, we reveal our actual preferences: a measure of privacy, please!