
Pro-Life Republicans Vote to Kill Poison Control Centers

Scottish Dragon3/05/2011 2:29:58 pm PST

re: #37 Gus 802

This is pathetic. They’d rather cut things like funding for poison control centers rather than end the Bush tax cuts for the top 2 percent earners in this country. I hope those top 2 percent earners are happy with this and the direction the Republican Party is going. They should be ashamed of themselves.

According to the lead story in this months The Atlantic, the top 2 percenters think the middle class needs to take it on the chin with a pay cut…because they don;t deserve middle class wages and benefits.

I am not fucking kidding.

If Americans make ten times more than somebody in India, they need to deliver ten times the value, according to sources for the story.

They feel no shame for paying themselves billions while sinking the banks and our 401k,s. The fell entitled.