
Rep. Weiner Tells Friends He Will Resign

The GOP is a Terrorist Organization6/16/2011 9:58:07 am PDT

re: #14 Charles

He’s a creep who engaged in stupid risky behavior, and lied about it, …

In my view, he would only be a creep if he had been sexting someone who was underage, and that did not happen.* He definitely should have been more discreet, but he broke no laws, and there was really no reason for him to resign. Both he and the party would have weathered this, I think, especially because his constituents wanted him to stay.

This was another Democratic cave in. Pure and simple. And to Andrew Fucking Breitbart of all people. I swear, it makes me cringe to think how many in the Democratic Party are actually afraid of that fraud - Shirley Sherrod was fired by Tom Vilsack because of the fraudulent video Breitbart posted on his website. Every time I think of that, all I can say is, “Are you fucking kidding me???”

If Democrats had even a microscopic scotal sack and stood up to even half of the easily disproven right wing bullshit flying around the internet, talk radio, and Fox “News,” they wouldn’t have lost 63 seats in the House last year.

They’re actually AFRAID of these nutjobs, and they willingly handed over Weiner’s scalp.

It makes me SICK!!!

*At least as far as we know now. If it comes to light that one of his tweet girls was underage, then I take all of this back and hope he goes to jail.