
Tech Note: Expiration Dates for LGF Polls

Decatur Deb9/09/2011 6:03:11 pm PDT

re: #89 Linden Arden

Carter was the most Libertarian president since Coolidge.

He deregulated air, trucking, finance, and energy yet left income taxes completely alone. He avoided war and entanglements as well. He appointed a hawkish Fed chief.

Wingnuts who defend the atrocious policies of Bush 43 have no idea how bad he was compared to Carter.

He also started a decades-long series of Fed civil service modernizations that left us with a demoralized, shrunken workforce that had lost much of it’s meritocracy. (See PACE test.) When I left after 30-some years the improvements had finally produced a civil service that was almost as inept as it’s critics pretended. Oddly enough, the best Fed administration to work for was Nixon’s.