
Baby Joseph Tortured to Death by Fundamentalist Parents and "Pro-Life" Movement

Cardio (formerly JRCMYP)9/30/2011 8:02:54 pm PDT

re: #96

Well, I very uncomfortable getting into a discussion about who should be making the decisions about this couple having more children. As far as I’m concerned, that’s their choice, their decision, they may make stupid ones, but it’s not something I want anybody else having any say in. Really, Obdi. Think about where you’re going with this.

I agree with you on this. The logical conclusion is that all pregnancies and childbirth procedures would theoretically be circumscribed. If I’m going to tell the public that my decision to terminate a pregnancy is a private, medical decision, I’d also better be prepared to defend the right of someone to have a child—to carry a child to term—that has a poor prenatal diagnosis. As horrible as I find that decision it’s not mine to make. That’s the flip side of preserving my rights. And of course it gives me pause. But, just like in cases of pregnancy, no situation is black and white. For all I know, the family in this situation didn’t know that there was a genetic issue, or were told that there wasn’t one—that it was a “fluke.” I have no idea. But it’s still not my decision to make.