
Breitbart Blogger Dana Loesch Lies on CNN: 'Nobody Believes Obama Wasn't Born in Hawaii'

lawhawk5/30/2012 11:58:34 am PDT

Let’s see - according to Romney’s proposal, the following GOP candidates for 2008/2012 would have been disallowed:

Huckabee. Santorum. Gingrich. McCain. No dice.

Borderline cases include Bachmann ( who worked for IRS as tax lawyer, then counseling - I’d argue she wouldn’t make the cut as having business experience).

The following make the cut on business experience besides Romney: Ron Paul (doctor); Herman Cain; Gary Johnson; Buddy Roemer; Donald Trump; Jon Huntsman; Rick Perry.

The fact that you’ve got borderline cases that could go either way shows just how asinine his proposal is. What counts as business experience?