
Bain Press Release Described Romney as 'Part-Time' CEO in July 1999

Killgore Trout7/13/2012 2:06:11 pm PDT

re: #86 researchok

I fault the Romney campaign for being stupid.

All they had to do was come clean.

‘Yes, when there are takeovers/transitions, current management is kept in place to smooth the transition. We should have made our position more clear. And if I were really running the show, it was stupid. You can’t dance at two weddings.’

‘Yes, some jobs were moved overseas. We answer to stockholders and that means pension funds and that means widows and orphans. Just like Apple moved jobs oversea to answer to their stockholders.

‘Yes, we made mistakes. Anyone in business for any length of time will make mistakes. With hindsight we’re all 20/20.’

Just come clean. Americans are smarter and more forgiving than the politicians believe they are.

Romney hasn’t done anything illegal- just stupid.

I think that’s a fair assesment and it’s also why I think the overreaching attacks provide Mitt with enough wiggl;e room that he gets to talk about the factual inaccuracies of the attacks rather than owning up to some of the mistakes and questionable business deals.