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Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus7/21/2012 10:24:37 pm PDT

Heaviest rains in 60 years kill 10 in Beijing: media

BEIJING (Reuters) - The heaviest rain storm in six decades to hit the Chinese capital killed at least 10 people and caused widespread chaos, flooding streets and stranding 80,000 people at the city’s main airport, state media reported on Sunday.

Lots of severe weather.

A former girlfriend lives in Beijing (I think, still). Not a place she wanted to live but she could find good work there.

I think many Americans are just not aware of what life is like over there, and what then motivates China to do what it does at times. Its not a mystery, really, when one realizes the magnitude of the population, its long and tough history, and the gordian knot complexity of the whole environment.