
RedState Proves the GOP Isn't 'Anti-Science' - By Promoting Creationism

scogind5/13/2009 6:28:39 am PDT

re: #971 Salamantis

Some scientific theories come and go; others come and stay. The germ theory of disease, the spherical heliocentric theory of the earth and solar system, Einsteinian relativity theory, Feynmannian quantum mechanics, and evolution via random genetic mutation and nonrandom environmental selection are examples of massively empirically verified theories for which no contradicting evidence has been found. The chances of them being empirically disproven are so vanishingly small that the space between that chance and no chance at all is practically nonexistent.

Let’s give it a couple-a-hundred more years, or so. Keep in mind “modern” is “modern” because its the present, not because it is superior. The time period of the examples I gave was “modern science” now, as you stated, they are just “speculative notions from millennia ago.” If our “modern” knowledge is so superior it would be easy for us to survive if were were magically placed back in time, even as recent as before electricity, indoor plumbing and automobiles. Lots of knowledge is lost in between.