
A Scintillating Friday Evening Open Thread

austin_blue8/14/2009 10:22:26 pm PDT

re: #957 beens21

why is John Mackey getting hosed by the left for his wsj oped piece

Not by the left. I’m left of center. By the Libtards. I’ve known John since 1990. We don’t run in the same circles, but we say say “Howdy” when we see each other.

People want Whole Foods to be all Goodness and Light when they don’t realize that retail grocery sales is a cut throat bidness.

Here’s the article. You can probably guess why the moonbats are barking:

I don’t disagree with many of his points. But one thing to remember is that the average age of his workers is probably under 30 and they leave after a few years. His demographic gives him a tremendous advantage over another business whose employees are looking for a lifetime career. His insurance costs, based on his average employee demographic, is very low.