
Video: Rachel Maddow and Rand Paul, Part 2

Walter L. Newton5/21/2010 9:40:46 am PDT

re: #962 iossarian

I think that the Obama administration is engaged in a process of gradually increasing regulation of business, opposed every step of the way by the Republicans and to a lesser extent by centrist Democrats. It would be better if the process was more rapid, but that’s politics.

It doesn’t matter whether the individuals neglecting to regulate business are Democrats or Republicans. The fact is that deregulating business allows catastrophes like this to happen.

Well, it mattered to you who was regulating what (or not regulating) BEFORE I linked you to this article… change your tune awful fast. Your flip-flopping, defections, obtuse reversals are getting boring… you need to consider making a point, sticking to it, and defending yourself without going on tangents… it won’t work here.

And take some advice from others here who have tried to tell you a few things.