
Rachel Maddow vs. GOP Wacko Art Robinson

SanFranciscoZionist10/11/2010 11:52:56 am PDT

re: #965 reason0911

First give me the specific history. When and where? But, honestly if blacks were being charged more by some racists, how is that relevant. They weren’t forced to buy and if the market was truly free they would be open to start their own businesses and sell to both blacks and whites with “fairness”. People with brown skin don’t need to be accepted by people with “white” skin in order to prosper. There are many examples of this in history.

You really don’t know shit about US history, do you?

I recommend an excellent young adult novel called “Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry” if you want to get some insight into the store issue and how it worked in real life.